Thursday, March 13, 2014

Packing For Hawaii!

My family and I are traveling to Hawaii for Spring Break! I am beyond excited. We have never been so it will be a new experience. What I am not excited about is packing and the long flight. We are flying from the Bismarck airport at 8:30 am to Minneapolis. Leave Minneapolis at 11:30 and fly straight to Hawaii. We won’t arrive until about 8:30 that night. That makes it about a nine-hour flight. I cannot sleep on planes so I have to pack things that will keep me occupied. Hence why I am not excited to pack for this trip. Also, I am definitely an over-packer. I pack for any situation possible on a trip.

My mom has made a rule for this trip. I cannot pack anything that will not fit into my backpack. This definitely prevents me from over packing. My mom told us she is packing the shampoo and conditioner for everyone and she bought some sundresses for us girls to wear. At first I thought that would be no problem and I would only pack what was essential. Then I started thinking about all the things that are essential for me. That list includes face wash, face scrub, my Mary Kay scrub brush (it’s the same thing as a Clarisonic but only $50), my toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, at least three swimsuits, possibly five pairs of shorts, five shirts/tank tops, workout attire, and undergarments. Thankfully I have limited my shoes to one pair of flip-flops and one pair of running shoes (I plan to workout at least three days while on vacation.) I’ll be wearing my running shoes on the way to and from Hawaii so that saves up some space.

So here is what I am all fitting into my one, small backpack.
.1.     Two books and my iPad
2.     Three workout shirts
3.     Three running shorts
4.     Three sports bras
5.     My face wash, face scrub, and my Mary Kay face cleanser brush
6.     Shampoo, conditioner, my razor, toothbrush, toothpaste and my retainer
7.     My iPhone, iPad, and iPod chargers
8.     1 strapless bra
9.     Three swimsuits
10.  5 pairs of socks
11.  And twice the underwear I really need but since we are going to a beach, I figured there was so harm in packing more of that.

Most of that stuff has gone into one of the three suitcases we are taking so now my list has significantly shortened. Let’s just say I am very happy my mom bought outfits for my sister and I. Plus she had everything all ready packed. My mom is kind of amazing. So now all I have in my backpack is
1.     Three books and my iPad
2.     1 pair of flip flops
3.     1 swimsuit
4.     All of my hygiene items from the first list
5.     1 shirt, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of socks and 1 sports bra.

I’m so excited to go to Hawaii. It is going to an amazing experience that I know I will remember for the rest of my life. You can expect lots of pictures to show up on my blog once I get back. I won’t be doing a post again until next Sunday or Monday when I get back so that’s why I did this post. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Spring Break. Aloha! J

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Girls' Night!

 Peanut Butter Cup Cupcake
 Fiji, Watermelon, and Ballet Slippers (all by essie) and Sally Hansen No Chip topcoat. 
All the pretty polish.

Girls’ nights are the best for so many reasons. They usually involve lots of junk food, watching a classic chic flick movie and doing girly things. Well that is exactly what I did on Friday night. I had a girls’ night with some of the best girls in my life, my bible study group. I look to these girls for support mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Friday night was probably the highlight of my week just because of how fun and carefree it was.

First we went to a band concert on campus. It was abstract music that reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. Then we all went to Sweet & Flour. Which is a bakery in downtown Minot. It is literally one of my favorite spots in all of Minot. Everything is made fresh and tastes amazing! (And they have cronuts! I have yet to try one but it is on my list.) We stayed at Sweet & Flour for about an hour just talking. After that we came back to campus to paint our nails in one of the residence halls. We stayed up until 1 am. I am definitely NOT a night owl so that was pretty good for me. Of course when I got back to my room I crashed.

The whole night was superb. Like I said earlier it was probably the highlight of my week. I love those girls and I was so glad to spend quality time with them. Our girls’ night makes me look forward to more bonding nights to come.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

About Me

Hi! My name is Cheyenne Charging. I am a college student at Minot State University. I was born and raised in North Dakota. I love tea, coffee, reading, traveling, my friends and my family. My blog is called “Charging Through” because Charging is my last name and we are all charging through life. To me that means we are all pushing through the obstacles and being electrified by the good things that happen in life. I started this blog because I have wanted to since August, but I’ve just been too chicken. This is my first blog post of many (hopefully) so I hope my readers (the few that I have) enjoy it. I will try to post every Sunday but no guarantees.  Well this has been good so have a good one!